Grabbing Attention is Killing Your Brand

Grabbing attention is deadly!

Have you ever passed a child in a supermarket...

Crying because their mum wouldn't buy that cookie.

They try every trick in the book to grab attention!

If I drop on the floor and scream...

It never works out well. No one wants to be shouted at.

Noisy content always repels your audience.

People desire feeling understood, genuine interactions and creating a coonection.

Content that seeks attention will gain no affection.

Creat content that seeks connection.

Want to create a connection with your audience?  Click here to join our private community of 300+ creators (only winners allowed inside).

Robert & Alek
CEO Sphere

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How I Attracted $100K+ Clients With Video Marketing

I made the riskiest decision to quit my 9-5 and I had no clue about business and for the longest time, I was seeing my income decreasing!

As a result, the fear began to increase, I was worried I made a huge mistake, even doubted myself as a result.

But rather than break and cave in. I kept going, I kept pushing and experimenting. I took one leap that turned everything around.

Video was my biggest fear. Turns out it was also everything missing from my strategy.

The moment I showed up, better qualified leads wanted to do business. Higher ticket clients were recognizing me as the solution they needed in their life. Here's a step-by-step breakdown of how I made $100K+ with Video Marketing:

Step-By-Step Guide to Video  Marketing

1. I had to sacrifice all my time and dedicate it to perfecting my processes and strategy.

You don't get on calls for $100,000 projects by chance. It takes a lot of time to build a working strategy where you can repeat results. A lot of our time has...

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This Underrated Marketing Strategy Will Change Your Life

I'm going to show you my call to action formula that has generated 10,000+ leads and converted hundreds of customers in less than 30 days:

1. Always start with why

Make your CTA's benefit-oriented. This gives people a reason to take action.

2. Include a bold promise

Be bolder than a benefit and take it to the next level.

Tell people that taking action now will see even greater impact in the long term.

3. Provide a specific timeframe

Being time-specific provides an element of certainty to your request.

4. Keep it to a small request.

Asking people to take too many actions is stressful. Keep it simple to see better conversions.

5. Gain bitesize commitment 

Jumping straight into a request for a sale on social media is like playing Russian Roulette with a fully loaded gun. 

- Ask for a little

- Build familiarity and trust

- Gain bitesize commitment

- Ask for more slowly through email

- Gain the sale

Want to start making money with your luxury brand? - Check out our...

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5 Genius Ways Starbucks Used Psychology to Become the King of Coffee

1. Irrational Value Assessment: 

The Starbucks Effect

 When people see a high-priced item, they automatically assume it’s of a higher quality and more valuable than something that’s cheap.

 Example: Starbucks charged more for what used to be cheap and dressed it in a premium customer experience, with nice tables, good music, and friendly baristas.

2. FOMO Keeps Customers Coming Back

 The psychological pain of losing is twice as powerful as the pleasure of gaining something.

 FOMO gets customers into the store and makes them feel like they’re part of something exclusive and special.

 Example: Seasonal drinks that happen only at Christmas

3. Removing Friction: Starbucks Used Psychology to Create a Habit

Remove as much friction in your customer journey as possible. Make it so easy to interact, buy, and gain access to your product. 

Example: Their app removes two of the biggest pains from getting coffee, waiting to pay and waiting to...

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Would you like to know the best way to start a sales call?

This has guaranteed me an average of 87% closing ratio!

9 out of every 10 deals is mine

Many people start their conversations with a 

'Hey, what's up, this my offer'

Other people start their conversations talking about the weather...

Unless you are selling them an umbrella... save that one for later!

Both of these ways will lead to a 'No, thank you'.

Your prospect cares about unique treatment & understanding, not generic scripts & salesy techniques...

Step 1

Build rapport the right way!

  • Instead of talking to a common for all people topic (the weather), find a unique interest you share with the prospect & an opportunity to complement them!

'Jamesss, did you catch the football game yesterday? - Man, I told you we were gonna win'.

'Elle, before we dive in, that post you made yesterday... WOW! - It was amazing!

Step 2

Transition into business.

  • Making the prospect talk about something they love, before talking about something more serious, opens the door to their...
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The 7 Deadly Sins That Will Keep You Poor

1 Not selling because you are scared to sound salesy

 Salesy isn't even a word in the dictionary.

 There is no definition for it. It's a made up thing to keep you poor.

 If you have an offer that helps people, then start promoting it!

2 Not searching for clients daily

If you are not actively searching for clients, you won't make money.

Just because you have clients today, doesn't mean you will tomorrow.

Dedicate 30 minutes every day to start new conversations.

3 Not trusting yourself or the product you sell

 You can't sell a product to a stranger, if you don't believe in it.

 The lack of confidence will keep you poor.

4 Not being consistent

 You can't give your everything 1 day, then sleep for a week.

 Show up as often as you can, but never quit.

5 You don't have an irresistible offer

 If your offer doesn't have 10x the value in relation to the price, change it.

 An irresistible offer has considerable less risk...

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3 Lies "Experts" Will Tell You When Marketing Your Business Online

As you begin your journey in marketing your business online and begin building your brand you will hear a lot of lies that will make you question "am I doing this right"? 

Here are 3 of the worst to avoid believing and the truths behind each lie. 


Marketing Lie #1

People don't read, they scan

This one makes an appearance now and again and it paints a bad picture of good marketing.

If this were true all necessary information would be scanned and never read... 

Good marketing isn't about keeping everything short and to the point.

It's about knowing when to keep it short and simple and when to explain more with key information the reader needs to know.

Marketing Truth

 People read what matters

They cut out the noise and only read info they want the most. 


Marketing Lie #2

 You must find a niche to start your business

While you continue to overthink, other people have already started building their brand

You don't need anything however by...

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7 Reasons Why Customers Ghost You

Image Credits: Freepik

These tips can be applied to dating too, so pay close attention.

1. You put too much pressure on them

Take it slow and have a proper nurturing sequence in place.

Example: Send extra tips via email/buy them a takeaway meal.


2. Customers think you are desperate

If you are trying too hard to win them over, they will smell the desperation and fly away!


3. Customers have inherited limiting beliefs

Maybe they had a bad previous experience.

It is your job to help them understand that you are diffrent & truly aim to help them!


4. They are not ready to buy now

The majority of people are not ready to commit to long-term relationships or projects quickly.

They need time to over-think every detail.

Patience is key.


5. They don't belive you can help them

Therefore they prefer to ghost you, because they don't see you as an expert.

Improve your positioning and help them see the benefits of working/dating with you.

6. They really...

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