How To Influence Minds With Your Brand

Image credits: Freepik

You have the ability to influence minds and build a brand that spreads across social media.

How To Build A Brand That Influence Minds

To build a brand, you need to increase your social currency.

Social currency is how good you look in front of your audience.

To increase your social currency, increase your audience's social currency by making them look good.

Here's how to do it:

1. Post with a purpose.

2. Define clear goal your audience wants to reach.

3. Not sure? Ask them.

4. Post content that helps them reach that 1 goal.

5. Create conversations.

6. Nurture your audience while they're trying to reach that goal.

7. Release content and other resources regularly that all point to achieving their goal.

Then only you'll build a community that shares regularly!

Want to learn how to build a brand that influence minds?  Click here to join our private community of 300+ creators (only winners allowed inside).

Robert & Alek
CEO Sphere



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