My Top Lessons From Working With An 8 Figure Startup

Want To Elevate Your Brand And Succeed In Any Niche?

Here are my top lessons from working with an 8 figure startup:

1. Watch your competitors and make your product better. 

Even if there's millions of the same product in circulation, doesn't mean they're good. 

Create a product that's better than the current supply and you'll win more customers.

2. Find people smarter than you and get them to work with you.

Admitting that you don't know it all is one of the biggest keys to success. 

Find a team that compliment's your weaknesses and you'll go far.

3. Successful startups = idea x execution x timing

Too many people get stuck on the idea and never execute their product.

When the market is hot for a solution. It's time to take action.

4. Know the difference between building an audience and building a community:

Building an audience is you helping people. 

Building a community is you providing the tools that help people help each other.

5. The most dangerous startups are the ones you don't see coming. 

- Develop in the blind spots.

- Work in untapped territory

- Be bold to go where others don't go

- Make others think "damn, I wish I thought of that".

- Make investors feel stupid if they don't fund you.

6. It’s not always about the mentors, the books, 1000+ hours of YouTube or free training. 

Sometimes it's about sticking with your idea. 

Practicing your craft daily and becoming so good that others don't hold a candle to you.

Want to start making money with your luxury brand? - Check out our best-selling brand building book here

Robert & Alek
CEO Sphere


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