96% of people get this wrong when starting in business...

A friend of mine, Josh was part of the 96%...

And he declared bankruptcy in less than 2 years. 

Here's why:

Josh was an engineer by profession, very smart guy.

In 2020, he decided to start his online business.

His online business was nurtured by his hobbie: drawing.

Josh is a brilliant graphic designer, but... very bad at showcasing his value.

When he started his business, because of his lack of experience, he decided to charge low.

In less than 3 months, he was fully booked with projects!

The problem is Josh had a lot of clients, but not a lot of profit.

He was suddenly working more than in his 9-5, yet making the same amount.

He couldn't figure out, what was wrong...

Josh was working with cheap clients, and competing on price.

Don't be like Josh... because:

There will always be a cheaper provider, and 

a more expensive one. What matters is...

  • What makes you... YOU!

Sell that, your differential factor.

This is your reminder to:

  • Stop working with cheap clients.
  • Speak about your differential factor.
  • Raise your prices, based on the value.

Better prices, better clients, better work.

Want to start making money with your luxury brand? - Check out our best-selling brand building book here

Robert & Alek
CEO Sphere



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