5 Strategies You Need To Steal To Build A Profitable Business

1. Give your customers a voice. 

We all want to be heard. Smart businesses serve customers who's needs aren't met. 


- Uber. Customers that wanted a simpler way to get a taxi. 

- Airbnb. Customers looking to make extra money from having a spare room

2. Use the "Gruen Transfer" technique to increase customers desire to buy. 

Do this by leveraging: 

- Vivid imagery upon entering. 

- Immense benefits and value to customer

 - Bright colours 

All in attempt to overwhelm your customer, causing spikes in dopamine that raise the desire to buy. 

Example: IKEA stores

3. Communicate in pictures. 

Understand that the human brain thinks in pictures

If I say "Purple Lion"... you don't think of the words. You see a Purple lion. 

When trying to persuade, put what you're trying to communicate into images for better conversions.

4. Create a brand identity that reflects your customers identity. 

Your customers want to see a piece of themselves in your brand. This is what makes people buy. 

- Use visuals that speak to your customers ideal lifestyle, desires, and needs. 

5. Build better sales systems. 

- Be on your customers mind 365 days of the year 

- Check in often. 

- Offer new solutions. Increase your customer's lifetime value. 

Do this and you will build a profitable business.

Want to start making money with your luxury brand? - Check out our best-selling brand building book here

Robert & Alek
CEO Sphere


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