5 Sales Trust Words You Need to Know

In Sales, for people to buy, they need to trust you

Use the following sales trust words to make more money quicker!


1.Prospect's name

Nothing sounds better to the ear, than a person's own name.


2. Secure

People need security in order to trust you, make sure they have it.

Example: 'Yes Dave, I will make sure to secure you a place'. 


3. Proven

Buyers want to be part of something which is proven, as this gives them security that it indeed works.
Example: This is a service with a proven track-record Mark!


4. Assure

  1. tell someone something positively to dispel any doubts.

The definition of the word says it all


5. Results

If there's something people care to see is results, make sure you use this specific word to earn their trust.

Example: Yes Claire, I can assure you that with this proven strategies, we will achieve the desired results.



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Robert & Alek
CEO Sphere


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