Want to generate an extra 1-2K a month just by typing messages online? 

If you said "YES" you are in the right place!

In my early stages of business, I always used to wonder, why clients ghost me...

They used to say, " I will come back to you Alek ", and I believed it like a fool. This caused me to lose a lot of sales.

I got truly desperate, as I kept, working hard, yet getting no reward... I was on the verge of becoming so broke, that I had to call it QUITS!

, I discovered the ONE SECRET, which literally saved me from going bankrupt... it was a sequence of messages that guaranteed clients chasing me to work with me instead of ghosting me!

Now, I want to save you the pain of losing clients and not reaching your monthly goals by teaching YOU the secret messages to turn leads into clients!

I want access to the secret messages which will make me extra money now 🤑 >>

"This can't be so easy, can it?"

These were the exact words I spoke when I started using the secret copy-paste messaging sequence.

It was hard to believe, since money seemed to rain every day.

Now, an extra $2K a month is not life-changing to me, but I grew up poor, and making my first $20,000 + month with this technique was unbelievable. It was so unrealistic that...

I freaked out!!! - And not because of the money...

I realised... I cracked the money-making code!

The feeling of being able to generate extra sales whenever I want???

Oh... it felt so powerful! - I had to help others who were struggling financially too! - And guess what?

I picked 3 of my best friends, who were hard-working yet struggled to make sales and had them use my 365-days all round messaging sequence! 

The results were CRAZY... They've never made so much money just by typing the messages I told them to!!!

I knew it was time to release this to the public, and I didn't want you to miss on results like these


Şahan Kılıç - Creator & Business Expert (10K+ followers)

The 365 days follow up calendar will never leave you clueless when it comes to getting in touch with a prospect again.
Not only does it show how crucial follow ups are but it provides you with a framework that will not leave you on seen since it puts providing value first. And who does not like a free piece of good advice? The framework is versatile and can be used in DMs or E-Mails what makes it a go-to guide for me. By going through the calendar you will also understand the process of sales better. If you don’t follow up properly you will leave high ticket money on the table - with this calendar, not anymore!

Reveal the secret messaging sequence and start making more money now >>

Now does that mean you will get the same results as some of our students who are making $30,000+ in 2 months with our sales techniques?

That depends. 
Building a successful business is a combination of different factors including hard work, passion, skills, patience, intelligence and a bit of luck.

A lot of people get insane results with their business, but others don't.

I believe that's the case with anything in life.

Unfortunately, I think this is due to the fact that most people don't put in the amount of work that's required to get results. Or they simply give up too early at the slightest hint of adversity or hardship.

All of my successful students have one thing in common:

They work hard and are dedicated to the impact they wish to make.

I don't want to insult your intelligence by making any claims or promising what type of results you can get with branding. Like with everything in life, individual results vary. And how successful your brand becomes depends on how hard you work.

The sky is the limit, but if you're lazy, nothing will happen.

In fact, if you are lazy, you probably shouldn't buy this book. Please, close this page and continue struggling to get customers for your business.

Now that's out of the way.

Here's What I Can Guarantee

These E-Book has my best messaging secrets.

I'm giving you the best information — and all information — to increase your income significantly by typing messages.

I don't hold back anything in this book.

Every single secret, every trick, every strategy that has worked for me and for my clients is revealed and presented for you to COPY and PASTE!

I honestly believe this is the best information you will find anywhere about acquiring clients through following-up.

It is 100% up to date, fresh and extremely in-depth.

It's not a bunch of abstract theory, it's PURE ACTION, just copy and paste, drop and send... and wait for the money to rain!

I believe if any ebook is going to help you, it's this one.

Although many people got great results from my first release of this book, I wanted to step it up this year and blow everyone's mind by creating something extraordinary simple for money-making.

So I've decided to draw the curtains and make this the most actionable money-making book.

This exclusive release comes with bonus strategies that ensure you have the inside scoop on email marketing and influencing.

Because of the power this holds, I will only have this book on the market for a few more days. Once it's gone, it's gone forever.

Why am I making the secrets public?

Every day I get people asking me if I can mentor them and help them make more sales.

And in the last couple of months, I've turned down all, but a select few.

I simply don't have time to help every person individually since I have my own businesses and passions I need to focus on.

And I could care less about launching this product.

I'm making between $10,000-$20,000 per month consistently and most of it doesn't come from selling information. I don't need to teach this stuff to make money, but...


I know how hard it can be to start a business...

To grow a business...

And especially to get clients...

This is why, I WANT TO HELP YOU! - Because I understand you...

I have been in your shoes, and they stink! - And nobody will have trust in you, until you show them the RESULTS! - Otherwise, both family and friend won't ever believe in you, just like they didn't believe in me.

And so I have a 2 in 1 opportunity.

Both to put an end to this flood of daily questions by creating this in-depth guide for everyone who wants to make money. 

And to grow my mission and legacy of helping 1 M people become financially free.

That way everyone who's truly interested in getting more clients, by using an insanely profitable message sequence can do exactly that, in 30 days or less your income will increase ...by taking a massive shortcut, without getting your bank account sucked dry from ineffective and poorly delivered courses that cost thousands of dollars.

And at the same time, I can scare everyone away who's not serious enough about making money and stop getting harassed by "time vampires".

So I'm solving two problems at the same time.

Now you might be wondering exactly what you're getting:

What's inside:

  • Guaranteed 1 year, 365 days of powerful money-making messages.
  • Up to 30 different ways to convert a lead into client.
  • Proven messages that grab potential clients attention.
  • Several email sequences for sales conversions.
  • Tailored scripts for converting leads into clients.
  • The ghost-breaker formula, to make all the people who ghost you, come back and pay you.
  • The secret email sequence which has generated us $1448 in 3 days.
  • The Copy-Paste sales messaging sequence broken down day by day.
I am ready to start making money with the secret messages >>

Free juicy bonus features valued at $408

Ghost Buster Feature
$43 value

Do not wonder ever again what to say after they left you on seen. Turn ghosts into money.

make money emoji

Email Offer Sequence
$147 value

Entire email sequences are provided for you to set on automation and make money while you sleep.

Unrevealed Cash messages
$218 value

We keep it simple. Copy-paste our secret messages and turn every lead into a client.


With these FREE bonuses worth $408 you'll be able to shortcut your way to your first $10,000 ...without wasting your money on unprofitable niches, without spending time and money on the wrong courses and without making newbie mistakes.

The way I see it you've already won.

It's almost like I'm giving you a everything on a silver platter, you just need to copy and paste  and see clients falling in love consistently, while your sales explode.

I've been doing sales for over 7 years now and I've made a shit ton of money with all sorts of methods, but the secret messaging sequence is by far the easiest and most sustainable way to make money with your online business.

You probably already know that, so...

Here's What To Do Next

If you'd like to reveal the secret messaging sequence and make money with my simple method that works over and over again, invest in this asap.

You can secure your copy for $8 one-time and start your journey towards 6-figures.

I can't promise it will stay at this price for much longer. But the way I see it, this book won't "cost" you anything.

Here's why.

I expect you to make much more than that within the first 17 days of using the unrevealed copy-paste messaging sequence. And if you take action and follow my instructions word by word, there's no reason why you can't make 100x or 200x that amount in your first 30 days of using it.

The bottom line is: It's almost impossible not to get a positive ROI from this book unless you are lazy and don't copy paste our proven messages to convert clients.

This will be the best investment in your business ever.

To give you an idea ...my best friend Jose (content creator) just started using it and in one week of launching he's already making almost $145 per day and within 30 days he's going to pass the $3,400 mark.

He's never done any marketing or advertising or selling before. If he can do it, so can YOU!

All I need from you is to click on the link to secure the book.  You'll be asked to choose your desired payment option and I will send you a personal copy immediately after you purchase.

If you are not lazy and want to make money by copy-pasting messages, invest now in this ebook and get $408 worth of FREE bonuses.

Follow-up Mastery E-Book - Secret Messaging Sequence to convert clients


Best-Seller of CEO Sphere

  • Guaranteed 1 year, 365 days of powerful money-making messages
  • Unrevealed Copy-Paste Method to make money
  • $1448 Email Sequence
  • Turn Followers into Clients fast
  • FREE $408 bonuses included for you
Get Access to all the secrets and secure $408 of Free bonuses now >>

Meet the Author - Alek Angelov (@alek.octopus 55,000+ followers & $750,000+ in Sales)

  • 7+ years of experience in Sales and Marketing
  • Bachelor with Honours
  • 2 Master Degrees
  • Worked with Multi-Billion $$ Companies such as Swissport
  • Certified in Lie Detection and Psychophysiology
  • Passionate for people and their success

Most common questions from buyers

All questions sorted? - Secure your money-making guide

An entire year of follow-ups, to never lose a client again. Time to dominate sales.

I want to start making more money online just by copy-pasting messages >>

Mattia Broili - Expert Luxury Designer

There's a tremendous value in this Cheat Sheet: it gives you impressive and converting blueprints for your follow up messages, so you don't ever have to spend hours wondering what will you help you close leads. Buy it!

Still not convinced? - Then this is probably not for you

We've showed you how much money this guide has made for us and our clients...

We've answered all of your questions...

You know the power of the secret messaging sequence!

However... we understand this can be too great a power for many... and you may even be afraid at this point to access the copy-paste system! - Trust me, this is only for a selected few, and it's fine if you want to miss on it.

I want access to the power of the secret messaging sequence >>